

Yes, that is SIR Ken Robinson in the photo above… which was taken at the TEDx Fulbright conference at the Broad Stage in Santa Monica, CA in September, 2015… and where Sir Ken and Trules both presented original TEDx Talks. And yes, Sir Ken has given the most popular TED Talk of all time, called “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”

Coincidentally (or not, depending on whether you believe in coincidence, fate, or magic), Sir Ken’s son, James Robinson, took 3 of Trules’ classes at USC (University of Southern California), and Trules personally wants you to know: James is a chip off his father’s old block!

But Trules has been speaking…. for decades. In classrooms. On stage. In educational conferences. He has been giving motivational, informational, historical, and hopefully, inspirational Talks. Here in America. And internationally in such places as Malaysia, Switzerland, Indonesia, Scotland… and more.

His popular TEDx Talk from 2015, “Jumping on the Train of Opportunity” has been adopted and modified for college stages and classrooms, for corporate and business trainings, and Trules follows the TEDx Talk with a lively Question and Answer session.




TEDxFulbright Talk, “Jumping on the Train of Opportunity“, from The Broad Stage, Santa Monica, CA

Screening and Q & A of “The Poet and the Con”, 2 hour program: 78 minute film screening with 40 minute Q & A (Question & Answer) with Filmmaker

Leadership: 30-60 minute talk on “Finding Your Own Voice/Thinking Outside the Box/Taking the Road Less Traveled”. With Followup Q & A. Appropriate for college campuses, corporate trainings, and any place people want to stretch and discover their creative potential!

“Arts in America”: 1 hour Lecture on the history of modern art in America, 1960 – present

Traveling the World, 1999-present: 1 hour live presentation with computer projections and first hand stories on traveling the world to such places as India, China, Morocco, Cuba, Jamaica, Western & Eastern Europe, the Mid-East, SE Asia, South America, 49 of the United States of America. Website: “e-travels with e. trules” Listen to the PODCAST.

Corporate TrainingMalaysia, 2002. – Taught government employees (lawyers, police men & women, clerks) teamwork, how to be more creative and communicative.